I’ve been using NutriGrow Liquid Seaweed for the last 2 seasons. I applied the Seaweed mid May at 2 ltrs per acre. I noticed a visual difference especially on old pastures. The plant looked more healthy and the livestock palatability improved on these pastures. I will be using NutriGrow Liquid Seaweed in my Farming Protocol in the future.
Peter Milburn - Northumberland
With the application on 2ltrs of NutriGrow Liquid Seaweed and only 60 units of N applied the volume of grass growth has been exceptional.
Penrith, Cumbria
I sprayed some re-seeded silage fields and the rest on grazing fields. The result was amazing. Exactly what I wanted for the sheep. Thick lay which they can manage grazing and could graze it clean. The silage fields were thick and green giving quality haulage for my pedigree sheep. I would recommend this product to anyone.